Payment Security

When you make a purchase with us, you will add your debit or credit card information to our online payment facility. 121 Shoes never sees or stores any of your card details online.

We use Paypal as they offer our customers the highest level of online security possible. Paypal meet and exceed industry security standards and support all major credit and debit cards in a variety of countries. They are also vetted yearly by credit card schemes and meet PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) standard, as well as being accredited to the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management standards.

All data is transferred in a secure manner via an SSL certificate.


Find out more on PayPal’s website, here!

Happy shopping!

Your safety and security is of the greatest importance to us. We understand that you would like details on how we handle things on our end.

For further information on your payment security, contact us at